No. 100 Corazon de Cien Fuegos

No. 100 Corazon de Cien Fuegos

from $15.00

A soulful tisane of vitamin-C rich, immune boosting hibiscus blossom, anti-inflammatory lemongrass, lush rose petals, lavender, with the spiced, fragrant wood of cinnamon. Inspired by the rich, cultural landscape of Central Mexico, this herbal tea blend impassions the spirit and nourishes the body.

Serve, lightly sweetened, either hot, or in generous glasses over ice. Garnish your wellness regime with a copy of Sybille Bedford's A Visit to Don Otavio and a hammock. 

  • Available in 2 packaging styles; Atelier Bag (86g) or Traveler Caddy (86g)

  • Caffeine-free

  • Ingredients: Organic hibiscus, organic lemongrass, organic lavender, rose petals, organic cinnamon

  • Brewing: 1 teaspoon per 8 oz of hot water. Brew for 5-10 minutes.

  • Good for 2 infusions

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Masha Tea - Dream Tea

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No. 01 Bellocq Breakfast Tea

from $17.00
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No. 122 Nocturne Tea

from $15.00
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No. 128 Hibiscus Moroccan Rose Iced Tea

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No. 12 Le Hammeau Tea

from $15.00